Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2009
Generated 01-Aug-2009 04:15 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2009
Total Hits 81601
Total Files 50545
Total Pages 20950
Total Visits 9362
Total KBytes 4609255
Total Unique Sites 4475
Total Unique URLs 403
Total Unique Referrers 860
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 180
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 109 695
Hits per Day 2632 4126
Files per Day 1630 2947
Pages per Day 675 1851
Sites per Day 144 328
Visits per Day 302 377
KBytes per Day 148686 893968
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 61.94% 50545
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.19% 967
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 20
Code 304 - Not Modified 23.94% 19533
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.02% 13
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.10% 80
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 15
Code 404 - Not Found 12.71% 10372
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.02% 20
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.03% 24
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.01% 6
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.01% 6

Daily usage for July 2009

Daily Statistics for July 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 3492 4.28% 2050 4.06% 797 3.80% 323 3.45% 256 5.72% 191426 4.15%
2 2850 3.49% 1672 3.31% 658 3.14% 280 2.99% 249 5.56% 118685 2.57%
3 1291 1.58% 802 1.59% 376 1.79% 197 2.10% 176 3.93% 47972 1.04%
4 1379 1.69% 1024 2.03% 401 1.91% 205 2.19% 180 4.02% 74507 1.62%
5 1804 2.21% 1148 2.27% 518 2.47% 216 2.31% 200 4.47% 64847 1.41%
6 2908 3.56% 1754 3.47% 675 3.22% 332 3.55% 306 6.84% 129036 2.80%
7 2542 3.12% 1410 2.79% 591 2.82% 285 3.04% 223 4.98% 83791 1.82%
8 4126 5.06% 2947 5.83% 1851 8.84% 333 3.56% 286 6.39% 121735 2.64%
9 3436 4.21% 2377 4.70% 1164 5.56% 344 3.67% 262 5.85% 162516 3.53%
10 2945 3.61% 1757 3.48% 731 3.49% 329 3.51% 259 5.79% 128950 2.80%
11 1822 2.23% 1323 2.62% 518 2.47% 219 2.34% 217 4.85% 97525 2.12%
12 1589 1.95% 1030 2.04% 441 2.11% 237 2.53% 189 4.22% 96791 2.10%
13 2788 3.42% 1597 3.16% 631 3.01% 330 3.52% 296 6.61% 114965 2.49%
14 2744 3.36% 1672 3.31% 695 3.32% 324 3.46% 274 6.12% 108308 2.35%
15 3047 3.73% 1755 3.47% 690 3.29% 355 3.79% 258 5.77% 110971 2.41%
16 3310 4.06% 1998 3.95% 797 3.80% 335 3.58% 291 6.50% 248379 5.39%
17 2672 3.27% 1624 3.21% 647 3.09% 319 3.41% 257 5.74% 225141 4.88%
18 1425 1.75% 908 1.80% 397 1.89% 217 2.32% 176 3.93% 65958 1.43%
19 1485 1.82% 1014 2.01% 395 1.89% 203 2.17% 183 4.09% 73517 1.59%
20 3812 4.67% 2245 4.44% 916 4.37% 377 4.03% 328 7.33% 163140 3.54%
21 2866 3.51% 1731 3.42% 656 3.13% 327 3.49% 265 5.92% 168184 3.65%
22 2817 3.45% 1699 3.36% 678 3.24% 353 3.77% 278 6.21% 126785 2.75%
23 2929 3.59% 1790 3.54% 721 3.44% 369 3.94% 288 6.44% 893968 19.40%
24 2963 3.63% 1872 3.70% 690 3.29% 353 3.77% 291 6.50% 184986 4.01%
25 1460 1.79% 1050 2.08% 365 1.74% 206 2.20% 180 4.02% 86243 1.87%
26 1551 1.90% 1033 2.04% 402 1.92% 209 2.23% 191 4.27% 73953 1.60%
27 3203 3.93% 2086 4.13% 781 3.73% 374 3.99% 311 6.95% 138947 3.01%
28 3144 3.85% 1932 3.82% 749 3.58% 370 3.95% 299 6.68% 134145 2.91%
29 2948 3.61% 1759 3.48% 629 3.00% 369 3.94% 312 6.97% 98423 2.14%
30 3359 4.12% 1880 3.72% 748 3.57% 353 3.77% 289 6.46% 148150 3.21%
31 2894 3.55% 1606 3.18% 642 3.06% 323 3.45% 245 5.47% 127312 2.76%

Hourly usage for July 2009

Hourly Statistics for July 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 44 1376 1.69% 33 1035 2.05% 12 390 1.86% 3218 99747 2.16%
1 32 1021 1.25% 23 716 1.42% 9 297 1.42% 1724 53431 1.16%
2 37 1147 1.41% 30 938 1.86% 24 750 3.58% 1049 32504 0.71%
3 22 686 0.84% 14 437 0.86% 10 314 1.50% 1048 32487 0.70%
4 19 593 0.73% 11 350 0.69% 8 252 1.20% 3015 93457 2.03%
5 20 627 0.77% 12 398 0.79% 6 198 0.95% 876 27168 0.59%
6 22 698 0.86% 12 375 0.74% 8 274 1.31% 577 17889 0.39%
7 72 2233 2.74% 36 1133 2.24% 17 531 2.53% 2401 74424 1.61%
8 141 4400 5.39% 72 2249 4.45% 31 975 4.65% 4490 139176 3.02%
9 201 6239 7.65% 117 3653 7.23% 46 1426 6.81% 8024 248744 5.40%
10 225 6980 8.55% 142 4419 8.74% 63 1981 9.46% 11971 371094 8.05%
11 209 6488 7.95% 116 3623 7.17% 46 1426 6.81% 8420 261024 5.66%
12 175 5440 6.67% 103 3209 6.35% 40 1268 6.05% 5259 163023 3.54%
13 184 5724 7.01% 113 3522 6.97% 44 1373 6.55% 7603 235708 5.11%
14 178 5546 6.80% 106 3290 6.51% 39 1236 5.90% 6671 206803 4.49%
15 200 6228 7.63% 120 3747 7.41% 46 1435 6.85% 12309 381572 8.28%
16 173 5365 6.57% 105 3279 6.49% 37 1170 5.58% 7320 226928 4.92%
17 86 2691 3.30% 60 1866 3.69% 21 663 3.16% 4198 130126 2.82%
18 80 2484 3.04% 56 1739 3.44% 19 613 2.93% 7324 227039 4.93%
19 80 2483 3.04% 53 1643 3.25% 24 769 3.67% 3217 99740 2.16%
20 110 3432 4.21% 73 2275 4.50% 29 918 4.38% 5241 162471 3.52%
21 133 4126 5.06% 88 2730 5.40% 32 1004 4.79% 11527 357328 7.75%
22 105 3255 3.99% 70 2191 4.33% 26 819 3.91% 27809 862076 18.70%
23 75 2339 2.87% 55 1728 3.42% 28 868 4.14% 3397 105296 2.28%

Top 30 of 403 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 10720 13.14% 58784 1.28% /
2 7311 8.96% 4274 0.09% /styles.css
3 7196 8.82% 32828 0.71% /Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js
4 2726 3.34% 15450 0.34% /SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.css
5 2637 3.23% 19983 0.43% /SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js
6 1421 1.74% 19037 0.41% /POI.html
7 890 1.09% 13771 0.30% /Coadm.html
8 885 1.08% 14449 0.31% /Elected Officials.html
9 707 0.87% 5581 0.12% /Links.html
10 460 0.56% 140005 3.04% /bos/minutes/Compplanfinal.pdf
11 421 0.52% 9205 0.20% /Publicsafety.html
12 401 0.49% 3970 0.09% /Coadm2.html
13 349 0.43% 1570 0.03% /tourism/broch8.html
14 295 0.36% 1651 0.04% /button2.swf
15 285 0.35% 302 0.01% /Calendar2/mm_lodging1.css
16 267 0.33% 2871 0.06% /Calendar2/july09.html
17 248 0.30% 1488 0.03% /Calendar2/button3.swf
18 209 0.26% 3943 0.09% /faq.html
19 203 0.25% 411 0.01% /tourism/broch9.html
20 179 0.22% 1052 0.02% /Calendar2/button1.swf
21 178 0.22% 172919 3.75% /911/Taz Communicater/The Tazewell Communicator - May 2009.pdf
22 178 0.22% 594 0.01% /tourism/broch1.html
23 174 0.21% 781 0.02% /tourism/broch2.html
24 173 0.21% 340 0.01% /tourism/broch10.html
25 158 0.19% 1692 0.04% /Calendar2/August09.html
26 158 0.19% 323 0.01% /tourism/broch11.html
27 142 0.17% 183 0.00% /tourism/broch12.html
28 99 0.12% 461 0.01% /tourism/broch13.html
29 98 0.12% 367 0.01% /tourism/broch3.html
30 97 0.12% 321 0.01% /tourism/broch6.html

Top 10 of 403 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3 0.00% 324686 7.04% /secure/secure1/test-copy/Test-File-105MB-1.msp
2 3 0.00% 195453 4.24% /GIS/JCulbertson.pdf
3 178 0.22% 172919 3.75% /911/Taz Communicater/The Tazewell Communicator - May 2009.pdf
4 1 0.00% 165497 3.59% /secure/secure1/test-copy/Test-File-160MB-1.msp
5 460 0.56% 140005 3.04% /bos/minutes/Compplanfinal.pdf
6 1 0.00% 108228 2.35% /secure/secure1/test-copy/Test-File-105MB-2.msp
7 1 0.00% 108228 2.35% /secure/secure1/test-copy/Test-File-105MB-3.msp
8 1 0.00% 108228 2.35% /secure/secure1/test-copy/Test-File-105MB-4.msp
9 54 0.07% 71231 1.55% /engineering/master sewer line specs.pdf
10 10720 13.14% 58784 1.28% /

Top 10 of 83 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10720 13.14% 6710 77.91% /
2 349 0.43% 253 2.94% /tourism/broch8.html
3 885 1.08% 194 2.25% /Elected Officials.html
4 890 1.09% 148 1.72% /Coadm.html
5 209 0.26% 148 1.72% /faq.html
6 421 0.52% 128 1.49% /Publicsafety.html
7 1421 1.74% 122 1.42% /POI.html
8 401 0.49% 84 0.98% /Coadm2.html
9 707 0.87% 69 0.80% /Links.html
10 87 0.11% 48 0.56% /Permitfees.html

Top 10 of 87 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10720 13.14% 4847 56.49% /
2 1421 1.74% 706 8.23% /POI.html
3 885 1.08% 542 6.32% /Elected Officials.html
4 707 0.87% 368 4.29% /Links.html
5 890 1.09% 314 3.66% /Coadm.html
6 421 0.52% 202 2.35% /Publicsafety.html
7 401 0.49% 197 2.30% /Coadm2.html
8 209 0.26% 150 1.75% /faq.html
9 349 0.43% 146 1.70% /tourism/broch8.html
10 158 0.19% 116 1.35% /Calendar2/August09.html

Top 30 of 4475 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2198 2.69% 65 0.13% 6486 0.14% 96 1.03%
2 1832 2.25% 1427 2.82% 62702 1.36% 121 1.29%
3 1181 1.45% 539 1.07% 26935 0.58% 120 1.28%
4 1135 1.39% 35 0.07% 1389 0.03% 93 0.99%
5 983 1.20% 983 1.94% 7635 0.17% 3 0.03%
6 766 0.94% 88 0.17% 3670 0.08% 64 0.68%
7 675 0.83% 89 0.18% 3276 0.07% 64 0.68%
8 650 0.80% 200 0.40% 28370 0.62% 142 1.52%
9 642 0.79% 642 1.27% 4838 0.10% 3 0.03%
10 580 0.71% 282 0.56% 24096 0.52% 68 0.73%
11 497 0.61% 30 0.06% 1203 0.03% 56 0.60%
12 495 0.61% 44 0.09% 1515 0.03% 66 0.70%
13 460 0.56% 217 0.43% 11374 0.25% 52 0.56%
14 458 0.56% 5 0.01% 37 0.00% 37 0.40%
15 420 0.51% 107 0.21% 112999 2.45% 38 0.41%
16 407 0.50% 9 0.02% 235 0.01% 67 0.72%
17 397 0.49% 15 0.03% 362 0.01% 36 0.38%
18 370 0.45% 118 0.23% 5419 0.12% 33 0.35%
19 356 0.44% 290 0.57% 10161 0.22% 25 0.27%
20 353 0.43% 82 0.16% 3182 0.07% 18 0.19%
21 350 0.43% 151 0.30% 22167 0.48% 121 1.29%
22 343 0.42% 181 0.36% 7802 0.17% 35 0.37%
23 338 0.41% 112 0.22% 5510 0.12% 28 0.30%
24 333 0.41% 35 0.07% 1336 0.03% 54 0.58%
25 326 0.40% 8 0.02% 69 0.00% 47 0.50%
26 322 0.39% 71 0.14% 13091 0.28% 23 0.25%
27 319 0.39% 18 0.04% 629 0.01% 33 0.35%
28 317 0.39% 181 0.36% 13409 0.29% 14 0.15%
29 294 0.36% 169 0.33% 8635 0.19% 5 0.05%
30 261 0.32% 102 0.20% 15431 0.33% 7 0.07%

Top 10 of 4475 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 54 0.07% 22 0.04% 708640 15.37% 2 0.02%
2 91 0.11% 34 0.07% 210519 4.57% 35 0.37%
3 420 0.51% 107 0.21% 112999 2.45% 38 0.41%
4 49 0.06% 33 0.07% 109392 2.37% 3 0.03%
5 1832 2.25% 1427 2.82% 62702 1.36% 121 1.29%
6 182 0.22% 148 0.29% 29958 0.65% 2 0.02%
7 650 0.80% 200 0.40% 28370 0.62% 142 1.52%
8 163 0.20% 135 0.27% 27421 0.59% 3 0.03%
9 1181 1.45% 539 1.07% 26935 0.58% 120 1.28%
10 580 0.71% 282 0.56% 24096 0.52% 68 0.73%

Top 30 of 860 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 26052 31.93%
2 18579 22.77% - (Direct Request)
3 5264 6.45%
4 5163 6.33%
5 3633 4.45% Officials.html
6 2028 2.49%
7 1672 2.05%
8 1542 1.89%
9 986 1.21%
10 868 1.06%
11 787 0.96%
12 760 0.93%
13 640 0.78%
14 601 0.74%
15 590 0.72%
16 550 0.67%
17 540 0.66%
18 446 0.55%
19 429 0.53%
20 416 0.51%
21 367 0.45%
22 341 0.42%
23 334 0.41%
24 295 0.36%
25 289 0.35% Officials.html
26 288 0.35%
27 253 0.31%
28 250 0.31%
29 243 0.30%
30 215 0.26%

Top 20 of 695 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 252 12.61% tazewell county
2 177 8.85% tazewell county va
3 135 6.75% tazewell va
4 95 4.75% tazewell county courthouse
5 75 3.75% tazewell county virginia
6 53 2.65% tazewell virginia
7 44 2.20% tazewell county circuit clerk
8 34 1.70% tazewell
9 29 1.45%
10 24 1.20% tazwell va
11 17 0.85% tazewell county board of supervisors
12 17 0.85% tazwell county va
13 15 0.75% tazwell
14 14 0.70% tazewell county clerk
15 14 0.70% tazewell county fair 2009
16 13 0.65% tazewell county fair
17 13 0.65%
18 11 0.55% tazewell animal control
19 11 0.55% tazewell co va
20 10 0.50% tazewell county property taxes

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 17 0.02% 17 0.03% 923937 20.05% 3 0.03% mproffitt

Top 15 of 180 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 23192 28.42% MSIE 6.0
2 22889 28.05% MSIE 7.0
3 14346 17.58% Mozilla/5.0
4 11281 13.82% MSIE 8.0
5 1839 2.25% MSIE 5.5
6 965 1.18% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
7 839 1.03% Googlebot/2.1
8 604 0.74% Baiduspider+(+
9 502 0.62% msnbot/2.0b (+
10 488 0.60% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
11 422 0.52% msnbot/1.1 (+
12 352 0.43% Win16
13 351 0.43% Baiduspider+(+
14 312 0.38% Yahoo! Slurp
15 182 0.22% WebAlta Crawler/1.3.23 ( (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru-RU)

Usage by Country for July 2009

Top 30 of 34 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 61429 75.28% 43128 85.33% 4176159 90.60% United States
2 15119 18.53% 4114 8.14% 312063 6.77% Unresolved/Unknown
3 1625 1.99% 1625 3.21% 12472 0.27% Mexico
4 1540 1.89% 1374 2.72% 18171 0.39% Australia
5 639 0.78% 516 1.02% 20143 0.44% Canada
6 433 0.53% 199 0.39% 22521 0.49% Russian Federation
7 195 0.24% 156 0.31% 23709 0.51% Germany
8 168 0.21% 95 0.19% 3769 0.08% Great Britain (UK)
9 58 0.07% 53 0.10% 1163 0.03% Switzerland
10 54 0.07% 4 0.01% 78 0.00% Sweden
11 50 0.06% 37 0.07% 257 0.01% Romania
12 39 0.05% 37 0.07% 3801 0.08% Korea, Republic of
13 34 0.04% 18 0.04% 2358 0.05% Spain
14 31 0.04% 24 0.05% 3472 0.08% Greece
15 30 0.04% 16 0.03% 1102 0.02% Netherlands
16 27 0.03% 0 0.00% 28 0.00% Slovenia
17 25 0.03% 19 0.04% 701 0.02% France
18 20 0.02% 18 0.04% 132 0.00% Denmark
19 19 0.02% 19 0.04% 139 0.00% Bulgaria
20 16 0.02% 12 0.02% 576 0.01% Austria
21 9 0.01% 9 0.02% 313 0.01% Czech Republic
22 7 0.01% 6 0.01% 307 0.01% Dominican Republic
23 6 0.01% 6 0.01% 71 0.00% Brazil
24 6 0.01% 6 0.01% 32 0.00% Portugal
25 6 0.01% 6 0.01% 306 0.01% Saudi Arabia
26 5 0.01% 5 0.01% 5326 0.12% Italy
27 4 0.00% 4 0.01% 29 0.00% European Union
28 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 7 0.00% Belgium
29 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 7 0.00% Chile
30 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 7 0.00% Israel

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21